HIV Advocacy Day on the Hill 2024
By Leah Freeman
HIV Day on the Hill was organized by the Tennessee AIDS Advocacy Network. Its a state-wide association of people living with HIV. This year was my first time attending it was a wonderful turn out. It was a two day conference. On the 2nd day we went on legislative visit. We split up in groups to speak to our state legislators. I was in the group that met with Representative John Clemmons. He was very receptive and openminded. Overall, my first time experience with HIV Day on the Hill was very insightful.
Please enjoy the photos below!

By Leah Freeman
AIDSWATCH was held in Washington, D.C. This year was it's 30th anniversary! I was grateful that I was able to attend. It was a three-day conference and on the last day we went to Capital and protested a little before we met with our state legislators and asked them to please support our bills. We we advocating in support of SB2405/HB2515 and SB01485/HB1302.

Speak Out:
Dispelling Myths &
Outdated Laws on HIV
Thursday, March 30, 2023 from 4pm-6:30pm
The Halloran Centre for Performing Arts & Education
The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation in partnership with Change the Pattern, invites all advocates, community-based organizations, lawmakers, policy makers, city & public health officials, prosecutors, legal aid professionals, and law enforcement officials for a community discussion on the HIV Is Not A Crime movement in Tennessee with three-time Emmy award-winning journalist and anchor on ABC24 Memphis, Eryn Rogers and experts from the Tennessee HIV Modernization Coalition, The Center for HIV Law & Policy, and ETAF’s Council of Justice Leaders.